Canada West

Incorrect password. Please try again.

Canada East

Incorrect password. Please try again.


Incorrect password. Please try again.

New Zealand

Incorrect password. Please try again.

Build a store challenge

We want to give you a jump start on learning what our merchants go through on a daily basis. What’s it really like to build an online store and get it up and running?

We’re challenging you to take the time to sign-up for a totally free trial and building a store of your own. We love our product and want you to love it just as much.

This will definitely help you in the Technical Interview portion of the hiring process because you’ll know your way around the store admin.

Challenge yourself to try and do the following on your new store:

  1. Create a product with image, price, etc.
  2. Create a collection, put that product in the collection.
  3. Create a drop-down menu for your navigation.
  4. Edit the look of your online store: add/remove sections, change fonts, and input new colours/images.
  5. Download any app onto your Shopify store.
  6. Create a new shipping rate for your country.
  7. Create a new customer profile.
  8. Add a new sales channel to your Shopify store.
  1. Create a product with image, price, etc.
  2. Create a collection, put that product in the collection.
  3. Create a drop-down menu for your navigation.
  4. Edit the look of your online store: add/remove sections, change fonts, and input new colours/images.
  5. Download any app onto your Shopify store.
  6. Create a new shipping rate for your country.
  7. Create a new customer profile.
  8. Add a new sales channel to your Shopify store.